The Bitcoin Shrooms are a collection of digital art created and inscribed solely by the independent artist known as Shroomtoshi. The Bitcoin Shrooms are not officially sponsored, endorsed, or authorized by any third-party. Shroomtoshi expressly disclaims any perceived association or endorsement by any company, individual, or trademark holder. To the extent that any individual Bitcoin Shroom incorporates any recognizable designs, persons, or logos, it does so exclusively in a nominative or descriptive manner, or otherwise for the purpose of commentary or criticism. The meaning of any individual Bitcoin Shroom cannot be separated from the collective meaning of the entire collection. Shroomtoshi expressly disclaims any official endorsement, support, sponsorship, or affiliation with any third-party endeavors, including but not limited to any derivative art collections, business ventures, video games, films, or any other type of project inspired by or based on the Bitcoin Shrooms. Individuals who create or participate in any Bitcoin Shrooms-inspired projects do so entirely at their own risk. Shroomtoshi assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever arising from any third-party's use of any of the Bitcoin Shrooms artwork. There are no projects officially sanctioned or sponsored by Shroomtoshi, and there are no social media accounts officially tied to the Bitcoin Shrooms art project.


Collection details:

NameBitcoin Shrooms
Supply224 (210 Shrooms + Genesis Tweet + Hash list + 12 Proto Shrooms)
File typepng
Stylepixel art
Created byindependent artist known as Shroomtoshi

About Shroomtoshi:

Shroomtoshi is a digital artist with a strong technical background and a pioneering presence in the rapidly growing Ordinal ecosystem. His deep expertise in Bitcoin has enabled him to develop a unique digital art collection that embodies the spirit of Bitcoin through nostalgic and highly referential styles. Championing the ideals of freedom and self-sovereignty, Shroomtoshi maintains an air of subtle mystery reminiscent of Satoshi Nakamoto. His mission is to educate and foster a deeper appreciation for the cultural and technological revolution that Bitcoin represents.

About Shrooms:

The Bitcoin Shrooms collection is a pixelated recap of the first 13 years of Bitcoin, a homage to the 8-bit style of art that expresses a slight nostalgia for the 90s, a way to soil 10s of thousands of SSDs spread across the world with Shroomtoshi's art (next level cyber-vandalism),a tool to raise awareness about Bitcoin and what he personally views as its core principles, an ironic way to vent at what he sees as its annoying pop elements and aberrations. It is a thank you to those he worked with and learned from, to those who are not around anymore but whose names should not be forgotten. It is knowledge condensed and a journey for the curious.


Summer 2022
Shroomtoshi started working on the shrooms.

October 2022
The Bitcoin Shrooms are born. The official website for the collection: bitcoinshrooms.com, has been launched, along with a Twitter account with the handle @bitcoinshrooms. Shroomtoshi posted the first tweet, known as the genesis tweet, which serves as the birth certificate and is later etched on the timechain. At the same time, Shroomtoshi published the first 23 shrooms, some of which will be included in the official collection in an altered form.

December 2022
The first on-chain mention of the upcoming Bitcoin Shrooms collection likely appeared on the Signet network.

January 2023
The first shroom (Proto Shroom) appeared on the mainnet.

February 2023
The last shroom was inscribed on the mainnet - the collection is complete.

May 2024
Shroomtoshi decided to disappear in the style of Satoshi.



Parent InscriptionCollection NameTotal SupplyInscription RangeFile Type


These OGs should not be forgotten:




You got: moves!